Why Choose SeoDude.Net?

Because we know how to grow your business!

Competition & Keyword Analysis

We look at your competitors websites 1 by 1 and see what they are doing to be successful and what they are lacking. We will take this data and use it to help your site gain a competitive advantage not only in the SERPS (search engine ranking positions) but in business as well.

We look at many different metrics behind the scenes such as their trust in Google, the amount of backlinks their website has and a few other boring things. We also check to see what they are targeting organically, what keywords they are targeting for PPC (pay per click) as well as their CTA’s (call to actions) on their website.

We take all of this data and begin working on your site so you gain the completive edge.

Modern Website Design

If your website does not have a modern style or is not mobile friendly we will fix that for you. We believe that your website needs to look great and impress your traffic.

A modern styled website goes hand and hand with CRO (conversion rate optimization) as you can not have one without the other. A website that is ugly, old and not mobile friendly will not convert the traffic as a well as a modern styled site and that is a fact.

Do not worry, we will not try and upsell you on an over priced site that will cost you $1,000’s. We will work with you to fix the website that you currently have to make it shine when possible.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Conversion rate is a VERY important part of this process that many companies over look. You can have amazing traffic flowing to your site, but with a site that is not designed to convert the traffic with the right CTA’s and other elements it will fail.

We will create the right CTA’s for your website, build easy to access forms, place your number so it is easy to find, add a map to your business if needed and track all of your visitors actions.

By tracking your visitors actions in live time we can see what they are or are not clicking on and why they are not converting, then we are able to make changes to correct the issues that we find. This is an on going process but well worth it in the end.

Targeted Traffic From SEO

We will build your companies trust and authority in Google by using SEO (search engine optimization) to help you rank high for the right keywords for your company. This way the traffic that flows to your site is the right traffic for you. We will target buying keywords so the people that land on your site are wanting your service.

The SEO process goes hand and hand with CRO. Poor quality traffic will never convert and the same goes for High quality traffic to a site with no CRO. When you mix targeted traffic with a site that has the ability to convert the traffic magic happens and your phone rings.

Online Reputation Management (ORM)

This is 2018 and everyone checks a companies Google reviews before hiring them. As part of our service to you we will give you a strategy to gain great reviews from your clients. We have a few different ways to go about this process but one of them I will explain here.

We will build a simple page on your website that you will be able to send to your past & present customers for them to leave you a review.

Once the customer is on this page they can select a Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down for your service. If the Thumbs Down is selected the customer will be redirected to a page with a web form that they will submit that goes only to you so you are able to correct the problem that they have experienced. If the customer selects the Thumbs Up they are redirected to your Google Business page so that they may leave a review for your company.

We take this process a step further for you by providing you with a QR code that will take the customer directly to your custom review page if you would like. This QR code you may place on flyers, business cards or anywhere else with printed material so customers can scan it with their phone and go directly to your reviews to make the process simple for everyone.

Client Case Study

Here is an example of how we helped one of our clients grow their business with a new responsive website design and SEO. When we stated working with this client they not only had poor rankings in Google but very low traffic to their website along with a horrible conversion rate.

Below you will see two sections that will demonstrate how we helped place them on the top of page 1 of Google for their major keywords to dominate their competition and grow their traffic. Along with this their testimonial how their conversion rate is now fantastic due to their new website design and CTA.

Quickave Creative

First Page Rankings

We have helped this client dominate his local area with not only being on page 1 of Google for this main keywords but the top 3 positions as well.   He has taken over these terms and is receiving many calls every day due with his through his website from perspective clients.

We have hidden the major cities that our client ranks in for his privacy but you can see from the 3rd party rank tracker that we use where his website first started when we took over his SEO (column labeled "first") and where he currently is with our help (column labeled Best).  The green thumbs up indicate positive movement rom where he was when we first began his project.

Organic Traffic Growth

As you can see from the Organic Google Analytics Graph when we began working with this client his traffic was Very low but soon after it began to climb. Now the client has a 300% increase in traffic and leads.

Quickave Creative

A Word From Our Client

I can not thank SeoDude.Net enough! My website was horrible before the redesign and had a very poor conversion rate. Now with my new responsive website and SEO from SeoDude.Net my conversion rate is fantastic and my traffic is constantly growing month by month.Chris R.

Have Questions? Call us at (855) 534-5700